The story begins in the dreamscape of the story’s hero, John Toney, an Aboriginal singer/songwriter. He is visited by his spirit helper, Golden Hawk, whose enigmatic riddles force him into deep psychological self-examination, while simultaneously presaging a strangeand eventful future. After being released from jail for a wrongful conviction, he comes to the city, where he meets a strange Aboriginal bag lady, Kwasimat. She seems half-mad, half-wise. After a stint playing in Downtown East Side seedy bars, John is discovered by Magicvision’sA & R Rep, Vanessa Morely (who is to become his love interest). We are introduced to the other protagonists: the ruthless RathanMorely, the CEO of Magicvision, Julia Chan, the ambitious VP, and Ali Hussein, one of the main singers in their stable of artists.
N.B. We are now developing a digital version of Dreamsinger that will integrate graphics, animation, audio, video and gaming…all in one package!
Episode 1: The Dreamer and the Dream – The hero called to a multi-dimensional adventure
There’s never been anything like Dreamsinger before: a graphic novel narrative that stretches the bounds of inner and outer space, interwoven with almost100 songs that blow your mind & move your soul. Over many episodes, like an ascending spiral, the story explores the spaces between our subconscious, conscious and superconscious states of mind.
A multitude of heroes and villains populate this tale of power and love that begins with the rise to fame of an Aboriginal singer-songwriter, follows the romance between the son of a Tea Party Evangelist from Nebraska and a hippie chick from another planet, and by Episode 8 has us on the edge of galactic warfare. As well as dealing with profound philosophical and psychological themes, the Dreamsinger series tackles many social issues that are part of our Zeitgeist: the military-industrial-security complex, racism, terrorism, the spread of unfettered corporatism and the proliferation of religious extremism.
Episode 2: Rise to Fame – John Toney’s star rises…but at what cost?
After agreeing to subjugate his authentic nature to the wishes of his marketers, John has a rapid rise to fame, but in the process finds himself ever more estranged from Vanessa, his new love. Ignoring Kwasimat’s exhortations , John continues in his downward psychological spiral.
Rathan, who is only too happy to see the growing schism between his daughter and John, attempts to finish off their budding relationship by arranging for Vanessa to witness John in a compromising situation – one which was in fact choreographed by Rathan himself.
At the same time, Ali Hussein’s career starts to go into free-fall, and he becomes increasingly cynical about the entertainment scene, as he experiences first hand its soul-destroying character. After a heavy night of drinking, he goes back to his penthouse condo and slits his wrists. Episode 2 ends with the life force slowly draining out of Ali Hussein as he lieson his living room floor.
Episode 3: Tragedy – To become a Dreamsinger, John first has to walk through the ultimate nightmare.
Julia discovers Ali lying unconscious from a suicide attempt. Fortunately, she is able to save him. Ali resolves to discard his shallow and reckless life and Julia has second thoughts about her own path.: it comes to light that she is Rathan’s secret mistress. She realizes how, Like Ali and the rest, she has let herself be compromised and in the process, allow herself to be duped.
The two decide to confront Rathan. Their arrival at his residence coincides with a visit from Vanessa and John. Vanessa has learned that Rathan is her birth father. She too confronts him and informs him that she will be moving out.
In a drunken rage, Rathan points a gun at John. Vanessa tries to wrestle the weapon away from her father, but in the melee, he accidently shoots her.
As Vanessa dies, John has a vision of Kwasimat, who accompanies him into ‘The Hall of Dreams’, where he has to play out a fight with his inner demons while engaging in a life-and-death struggle with Rathan. After he makes the heroic decision, Kwasimat transforms herself into her spirit nature: Golden Hawk.
Episode 4: First Contact – John’s life is in danger…but help comes from the most distant of places.
After Vanessa’s death, John realizes he has to devote his life and his music to healing our broken world. He is producing and participating in concerts – called The Shift –that are specifically addressed to helping victims of the many wars that form so much of the fabric of early 21st century life.
His revolutionary message has caught the attention of the Military-Security Complex, as well as that of a group of fundamentalist Islamic terrorists. Both of these groups are determined to silence John and his crew one way or another.
One the bands involved in this concert series is called The Aliens. John discovers that the band members are indeed from another planet. They reveal to him that he has a special role that he can only fulfill after having undergone demanding tests on their home planet of Eres.
Episode 5: Lila in Kansas – An alien rogue hippie girl and a Tea Party posse in the Midwest.
Julia discovers Ali lying unconscious from a suicide attempt. Fortunately, she is able to save him. Ali resolves to discard his shallow and reckless life and Julia has second thoughts about her own path.: it comes to light that she is Rathan’s secret mistress. She realizes how, Like Ali and the rest, she has let herself be compromised and in the process, allow herself to be duped.
The two decide to confront Rathan. Their arrival at his residence coincides with a visit from Vanessa and John. Vanessa has learned that Rathan is her birth father. She too confronts him and informs him that she will be moving out.
In a drunken rage, Rathan points a gun at John. Vanessa tries to wrestle the weapon away from her father, but in the melee, he accidently shoots her.
As Vanessa dies, John has a vision of Kwasimat, who accompanies him into ‘The Hall of Dreams’, where he has to play out a fight with his inner demons while engaging in a life-and-death struggle with Rathan. After he makes the heroic decision, Kwasimat transforms herself into her spirit nature: Golden Hawk.
Episode 6: Return to Eres – The aliens are going home, but with some earthlings in tow.
More time has passed, and resentment towards the aliens continues to grow. A keynote address to the United Nations by Kamala, the designated Eresian emissary is drowned out by catcalls and shouts, while citizens riot in the streets outside.
After consulting with the ruling triumvirate on Eres, the aliens return to their home planet, but they take with them a small contingent of humans who are considered in mortal danger because of their high-profile support of the Eresians.
In the interim, Sildran, one of three planetary leaders, takes absolute power with a coup. He is highly suspicious of the earthlings, and he incarcerates them. With the help of Kamala, they break out of their prison and escape in a starship.
Episode 7: On the Run – Lila’s in more trouble…this time on Olag, the Space Pirate Planet
Lila has a vision in which she is visited by two mystical women who identify themselves as inter-dimensional beings. They tell her that she and her friends have a special mission to fulfill, one that was prophesized long ago: to save the galaxy from imminent destruction. During this time, she recalls her early childhood, when she was cared for by her kind nanny, Agraduta. She also discovers that the only way to fulfill the prophecy is to return to Eres, where they can find out how to make it to Keemassan, the mysterious planet for spiritual adepts.
Meanwhile, Terang has been parachuted into the Valley of Death, where he is almost immediately attacked by savage beasts, only to be saved in the nick of time by the beautiful Selamat. Over the course of the next several days, they grow closer. Selamat has a hard edge (an understandable trait, giving that’s she survived in the valley for many months), but she softens somewhat in Terang’s presence. They decide to try the impossible – to escape this mortal valley.
Episode 8: Where Worlds Collide – A father-daughter conflict brings the galaxy to the brink of war
Lila has a vision in which she is visited by two mystical women who identify themselves as inter-dimensional beings. They tell her that she and her friends have a special mission to fulfill, one that was prophesized long ago: to save the galaxy from imminent destruction.
During this time, she recalls her early childhood, when she was cared for by her kind nanny, Agraduta. She also discovers that the only way to fulfill the prophecy is to return to Eres, where they can find out how to make it to Keemassan, the mysterious planet for spiritual adepts.
Meanwhile, Terang has been parachuted into the Valley of Death, where he is almost immediately attacked by savage beasts, only to be saved in the nick of time by the beautiful Selamat. Over the course of the next several days, they grow closer. Selamat has a hard edge (an understandable trait, giving that’s she survived in the valley for many months), but she softens somewhat in Terang’s presence. They decide to try the impossible – to escape this mortal valley.
Episode 9: The Hidden Place – Dangerous times on Eres and Olag.
Terang and SelamatTerang and Selamat have a series of wild adventures on the planet Olag. Selamat is finally able to reunite with her long-lost sister.
Meanwhile, Lila, Jason, John and their friends have all been swept up on a beach on the shores of the Jade Sea. The Eresians have been looking out for them and mayhem ensues. Lila is able to contact the mysterious Agrauta, who that the friends must all go to Keemassan so that she can be reunited with Melanpaui, the He-Avatar, and that they can all set out thereafter to save the galaxy.
Meanwhile, Kaleesha continues on her violent rampage and Sildran continues his war preparations
Episode 10: Beyond the Beyond – What mysteries does the planet Keemassan hold? The Chosen Nine will soon find out.
Agraduta leaves John, Kamala, Jason, Lila, Kamala and Julia in the care of Bizhaka, an Eresian nun well acquainted with the Ancient Mysteries. She guides them through many esoteric teachings, most especially focusing on the development of mind-control techniques.
After undergoing Bizhaka’s training regimen, they all leave for Keemassan the planet of adepts. Here, Agraduta reunites with Melampaui, the He-Avatar. The friends discover that they must undertake a perilous journey to save galactic civilization.